Thursday, November 19, 2015

What’s Your Nighttime Routine?

nighttime skin ritual
I know I’m not alone when I say: I love waking up early to start my day. The calm and quiet in the house while everyone is still sleeping is so peaceful. Alarms aren’t competing for attention and there’s no rushing around or slinging clothes out of my closet and onto my bed to race out the door. Did I mention my alarm usually goes off between 4:30-5am? At the beggining of the summer, while I was intensely training to ride my bike in Boulder, I began 4am wake up calls so I could be out the door and on my bike by 5:30am. The earlier in the day I rode, the less I had to compete with the brutal Texas heat and busy neighborhood traffic. Plus, early morning pre-dawn rides provide extra calm and quiet time to myself, which seem so rare these days. While the 4am alarms were the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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