Thursday, November 12, 2015

6 Cardio Moves To Do Before Thanksgiving Dinner

do these moves before your Thanksgiving dinner
How do you approach the smorgasbord that is The Thanksgiving Dinner? I’ve never been one to gorge myself, but I have plenty of friends who spend the days leading up to the holiday preparing, both mentally and physically, for the feast — huge appetite check stretchy pants check mom’s famous casserole check. Of course, the post-pig-out guilt (and turkey-induced fatigue) are quick to follow suit, so for today’s fitness tutorial, we partnered with the girls at MOD Fitness to plan out a pre-emptive cardio burst to do before Thanksgiving dinner. MOD Fitness owner, Marnie Duncan recommends completing this circuit 3x for a quick cardio workout in under 10 minutes. The cardio will scorch calories and increase your heart rate, not to mention, if you start doing these moves daily in prep for the holidays you will feel totally guilt-free after having your second round of pumpkin pie! *photos by Jessica Attie; location: MOD Fitness, Austin ...see the slideshow here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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