Friday, November 6, 2015

Pita Tostadas with Butternut Squash, Black Beans, & Avocado

Pita Tostadas // From Camille's Kitchen
We ate so many amazing meals on our vacation in Maui last week: ceviches, sashimis, poké bowls, and so much macadamia nut crusted-everything that I actually thought I might turn into a fish if I looked at one more Mahi Mahi fillet. But as soon as our plane touched down in Texas, you know what happened? I was struck with the immediate, all-consuming craving for Mexican food, and it reminded me just how frequently I eat tacos and tostadas and that I really can’t survive more than a week without them. Is it just an Austin thing, or do any of you guys in other parts of the country feel the same way? To prove that all roads lead back to Tex-Mex, one day recently I realized I was out of tortillas and decided to toast a round of pita bread and used it as a chewier base for tostada toppings. And the result was a total the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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