Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How to Host a Post Workout Social

How to Host A Post Workout Social Hour | Camille Styles
Does it ever seem like almost everything we do socially works against fitness? After so many book club meetings, happy hours, and dinners our team decided it was high time we mixed two of our favorite things: appetizers and endorphins. We got our blood flowing on the trail, then headed over to Outdoor Voices to meet up with Amanda McArthur to learn how to host a post-workout social. We had a total blast hanging at the OV store, and we are complete converts to the post-workout party concept. Why hit the gym alone when you could be working out and hanging out at the same time? So skip the shower and meet us for a cocktail — there’s serious fun to be had. photographed by kristen kilpatrick ...see the slideshow here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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