Monday, November 30, 2015

A Professional Organizer’s Guide to Gifting

a professional organizer's tips for how to keep holiday gifting organized
Are you guys in crazy holiday mode yet? This morning I took a look at my social calendar for the week, and for the first time this year felt that jolt of winter anxiety… so. much. to. do. And with my first gift swap this Thursday (and Hanukkah starting this Sunday), I’m already kicking myself for not getting an earlier start on my gift giving. Why do I do this to myself every year?! For those of you who, like me, tend to not prioritize gift giving until dangerously close to your deadlines, we called upon an organizational pro to help us finally get the holidays under control. Amy Vance is the guru behind Houston-based Eco Modern Concierge, and let’s just say that if anyone can inspire me to change my last-minute ways, it’s this girl. Keep reading for Amy’s tricks of the trade… ...see the slideshow here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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