Sunday, March 20, 2016

Weekend Notes

gathering wildflowers

Happy weekend, y’all! It’s been a glorious low-key weekend to cap off the end of a crazy two weeks (#SXSW). I hosted a baby shower for two of my pregnant pals yesterday — just a small group of really good friends, breakfast tacos, mimosas, and lots of adorable baby gifts. Oh, and Adam and I got bikes!! We’ve been wanting to get some so we can cruise around Austin, and we finally found two that we love — I’ll try to share an Insta shot in the next day or two. Today’s agenda is open aside from a long walk with the fam and pizza grilling tonight — pretty much my idea of heaven. Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend, and enjoy a few favorite links from around the web this week! xo Cannot wait to see this. Wanting to marbleize some stationery this weekend. This new design conference is an inspiring excuse to visit NOLA. the rest of the story here

The post Weekend Notes appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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