Thursday, March 24, 2016

Our Favorite Ways to Give Back


Over the holidays, we talked about taking time to give back to our communities in what is otherwise a time of year that’s focused on overindulgence. For us, it was a great break from the holiday madness, and it felt good to know we might have inspired a couple of our readers to get out there and do some good. Three months into 2016 and we couldn’t help but wonder: have we carried those acts of charity into the new year with us? Since local toy drives and food drives aren’t as widely publicized as they are in November and December, we think it’s important to keep each other in check — this moving speech by the amazing Gina Rodriguez is what first got me thinking about the subject, so I wanted to take a moment to poll our team and find out what they’re doing to be charitable all year round. Click through ...see the slideshow here

The post Our Favorite Ways to Give Back appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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