Wednesday, September 7, 2016

How to Setup a Home Recycling Station

create your own cute recycling bins!

I have a confession to make, and it’s a real one that I’m actually a little ashamed to admit. As much as I really do care about the environment and sustainability, we haven’t been that great about recycling at our house the last couple years. (There, I said it! Glad that’s off my chest.) Two kids running around, plus my team working at my house most of the time equals a lot of waste, and often the quickest and easiest route (i.e., just throwing something in the trash) wins out in the busy-ness of the day-to-day. But I’ve decided that now’s the time to get serious, especially now that Phoebe’s old enough to develop good recycling habits, and I’m ready to start practicing what I preach in the recycling department! For today’s post, in partnership with Seventh Generation as part of our Living Green series, I wanted to share my new home recycling station with you guys so that ...see the slideshow here

The post How to Setup a Home Recycling Station appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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