Thursday, September 22, 2016

How to Host a Dinner Party like a French Girl

It's an undone type of elegance.

It’s no wonder that my very favorite Entertaining With story we’ve ever ran was the one with Justine Gilcrease — after all, she’s French. When it comes to entertaining, Parisians have cultivated a level of cool that’s seriously taken generations to achieve. They don’t shy away from luxury or elegance, but it’s all delivered in a way that’s a bit… undone. The fine china is out, but the party might very well end up in the kitchen with some amazing obscure vinyl playing while people open yet another bottle of good wine. In terms of decor nothing is too contrived or uptight — instead there’s a sort of rock-n-roll recklessness when it comes to fine things. It’s inspiring. An entertaining style that seems hard to execute, yet so easy to enjoy. And I should know — I’m writing to you from Paris right now. When our friends at GILT turned us on to their Le Creuset the rest of the story here

The post How to Host a Dinner Party like a French Girl appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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