Thursday, April 26, 2018

These Lemon Tarts with Orange Blossom Whipped Cream Are Magically Dairy-Free

If you had asked me five years ago if you could make a rich, creamy lemon curd without using a whole stick of butter, I may not have scoffed at the idea, but I certainly would have questioned your motive. Why in the world would you want to make a butter-less curd? Isn’t the butter the what makes it delicious? The answer to the second question is still yes. But the last few years and the mainstream focus on food sensitivities that they’ve brought about, (not to mention the meeting, dating and marrying of lactose intolerant man) have not only resulted in my education in using alternative fats (sorry, butter) but also sparked a curiosity and creativity that more a more traditional approach to baking sometimes lacks. In short: traditionally butter rich desserts made with alternate fats are delicious. No ifs, ands, or but(ters)s about it. ...see the slideshow here

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from Camille Styles

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