Thursday, April 12, 2018

Indian Spiced Naan Pizzas

Palak Paneer Naan Pizzas | This Brown Kitchen

If it’s not obvious based on the recipes that I share here on Global Kitchen, I’m not super traditional when it comes to my Indian food. I grew up eating super traditional dishes that my mom and dad cooked, but now that I’m learning how to make all of their recipes on my own, I’m definitely putting my own twists on things so that they can fit into my weekly recipe rotation. To be completely honest, the recipes my mom gives me are very loose in terms of measurement. Most of it comes out as “just add a spoon of this and a little of that to adjust the taste”, so I spend a lot of time experimenting with tastes and flavors to get them to my liking. But that’s what I love about recipes! It’s always a learning process and adjusting to how you prefer things. I like to ...see the slideshow here

The post Indian Spiced Naan Pizzas appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles

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