Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Camille’s Beach-Inspired Guest Room Reveal

camille styles guest room

photography by kate zimmerman-turpin An added bonus of our team moving into the #CSBungalow last fall? Adam and I suddenly had a lot more space freed up at our house now that it was doubling as my company headquarters, and we could finally turn that back bedroom off the pool into the real guest room it was always supposed to be. Y’all know that I’m more than a little obsessed with the beach, and this was the perfect spot to bring all of my surfer girl dreams to life. Because what houseguest wouldn’t want to feel like they were whisked away to a tropical island for a night? Read on to see how it came together… ...see the slideshow here

The post Camille’s Beach-Inspired Guest Room Reveal appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles

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