Thursday, April 19, 2018

How To Ditch Your PMS The Natural Way

head massage

image from because i’m addicted Lauren Zielinski is a Certified Nurse-Midwife, and the founder of a grassroots women’s health movement called New Moon Rising Events. New Moon Rising works in cities across the US to hold free, day-long workshops that foster discussion about reproductive health, political advocacy, natural medicine options, and community connections. Let’s talk about Premenstrual Syndrome, also known as PMS. Three out of four menstruating women report experiencing PMS in some form every month. Additionally, four out of four women have blamed their *less than pleasant* behavior towards a significant other on “PMSing.” (That’s not actually a statistic… but I would believe it!) The reality is, the majority of fellow females experience PMS in some form and it significantly impacts us, month after month. Do any of us understand why we feel the way we do pre-period? Cue short science lesson: What is it exactly that causes PMS? ...see the slideshow here

The post How To Ditch Your PMS The Natural Way appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles

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