Monday, July 31, 2017

How To Make The Most Of Your Downtime

make the most of your time off work

Have you ever woken up and wondered, “What did I do last night?” And no, I’m not talking about after a late night out with friends, but a run of the mill Wednesday night at home. Next thing you know, you’re back at your desk wondering where your time off went and how you could be back at work already. Now that you’ve had your coffee and some time to think, you do remember getting through four episodes of House of Cards last night. And catching up on all of the newest Instagram posts. And there was that enlightening Buzzfeed quiz that revealed what your favorite cheese is. We’ve all had nights like these. And sometimes they are beyond necessary! But if you feel like your week solely revolves around work, it might be time to change how you’re spending your after work time. You have all the tools the be productive at ...see the slideshow here

The post How To Make The Most Of Your Downtime appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles

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