Sunday, April 26, 2015

Weekend Notes

charcuterie table
Morning, friends! Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend so far. I’ve been battling a nasty cold all week (sick and 9 months pregnant… so not cool), but finally managed to shake it off enough yesterday to embrace our Saturday morning rituals: walk around the city, farmers’ market stop, pastries and omelettes on the patio of this favorite spot. The afternoon was actually hot and sunny enough for us to jump in the pool for the first time this season, and nothing could have made me happier than spending a low-key day splashing around with Phoebe and A. Rain or shine, hope y’all are having a great start to your Saturdays, and enjoy my favorite links from the past week! The cutest Cinco de Mayo cake topper. This ode to white lace makes me want to do some serious summer shopping. My new favorite lip product (I wear it in pink the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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