Monday, April 27, 2015

Delicious Snacks, Delivered

Yogurt-Covered Pretzels & Caramel Popcorn
This might sound crazy to some of you, but I’m one of those people who loves grocery shopping. There’s almost no way I’d rather spend an afternoon than perusing the produce, chatting with the guys in the fish market, studying wine labels, and choosing a new cheese to sample that night. The big problem? Between work, taking care of a toddler, and squeezing in a social life, many weeks don’t allow for a leisurely hour-long shop, so I’m often left dashing in the store and grabbing whatever looks good for dinner that night… and as a result, my fridge and pantry have been sadly bare bones lately. Enter NatureBox, the new healthy snack delivery service that I recently decided to try out: and it might just be the key to returning my pantry to its former fully-stocked glory. shown above: pistachio power clusters Let me tell you, there’s something extremely fun about having a box show the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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