Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Phoebe’s “Big Girl” Room!

reading corner // little girls' pink & white bedroom
I’ve been sneaking little peeks here and there of our work-in-progress upstairs spaces, and I’m so excited to show y’all the first of the finished rooms! Since I hadn’t changed up the decor of Phoebe’s nursery since she was born, we thought it was time for our almost 3-year-old to have a room that was a little more in-line with the big girl she’s growing into. And since we’ve got a baby on the way soon, I knew we’d be moving the changing table and a few other baby items into his nursery, leaving room for some fun new design elements. I shared the design kickoff meeting at RH Baby & Child here… now click through the slides to see how their design team helped me bring my vision to life in our home, and learn a few great design tips I picked up along the way. Not sure if Phoebe’s favorite part ...see the slideshow here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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