Thursday, April 23, 2015


Love + Work - Molly & Paul
We’ve all seen the Turkish towels that seem to be on the shelves of nearly every major retailer. And if I’m being honest, until recently I didn’t see what the fuss was about… sure, they look pretty, but how can you call something a towel when it’s paper thin and hardly absorbent? Well, since getting my hands on a pestamel from Loomed, I’ve learned that there’s such a thing as a real deal Turkish towel, and I’ve practically been a walking testimonial for the brand ever since. Quick story! On a recent vacation to Mexico, someone kicked a daiquiri all over my lovely pestamel on the beach (ugh!). Impulsively, I raced to the water to rinse it off, rang it out, and draped the towel over a palm tree to dry. Within 15 minutes, the thing was as good as new, if not even softer than before. Truly amazing quality. When I discovered that the co-founders of Loomed were a real life married ...see the slideshow here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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