Thursday, June 14, 2018

The 5 Best Natural Herbs to Cure Your Women’s Health Woes

Camille Styles: Natural Herbs to Cure Womens Woes

Lauren Zielinski is a Certified Nurse-Midwife, and the founder of a grassroots women’s health movement called New Moon Rising Events. New Moon Rising works in cities across the US to hold free, day-long workshops that foster discussion about reproductive health, political advocacy, natural medicine options, and community connections. Hellloooo Ladies! Being a woman is the BEST in my opinion and you couldn’t pay me Beyonce’s annual salary for the rest of my life to trade places with a man. It’s no secret that those of us who have female reproductive organs deal with a handful of less than pleasant symptoms month in and month out. Instead of turning to pharmaceuticals in these moments of hormone-induced anguish, I suggest you stock up on these 5 natural herbs and supplements. They are all time and wise-women proven to remedy the common discomfort and irritability that occasionally come along with owning a uterus and ...see the slideshow here

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from Camille Styles

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