Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Best Morning Ritual & Notes from the Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend Notes

Happy summer weekend! The official first day of summer may not be for a few more weeks, but as far as I’m concerned, Memorial Day kicks off all the summer vibes I need to wholeheartedly embrace it. It’s an extra special one around here, as I became an aunt for the first time yesterday! My brother and his wife had sweet baby June Elizabeth yesterday morning, and I can’t wait to hop on an plane soon to shower her with kisses. Other than that, we’ve been enjoying a blissfully easygoing weekend with lots of time in the pool, great music on the speakers, and family and friends around to savor it. Hope y’all are having a great one, and enjoy my favorite reads from around the web this week! xo These morning rituals equal a better day later. How to prevent Lyme Disease and still enjoy nature. A 20-minute plan the rest of the story here

The post The Best Morning Ritual & Notes from the Weekend appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles

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