Sunday, December 20, 2015

Weekend Notes

cozy christmas pajamas
It’s the last weekend before Christmas, and my mood is falling somewhere between excitement for the coming festivities and a twinge of sadness that another holiday season has flown by. I really, truly love this time of year and kind of wish it could last forever… but then I remember that January is around the corner, with its fresh starts and new beginnings, and I get excited for setting new goals and being super healthy next month. And then if I’m being completely honest, summer is my real favorite season… but I digress. We had a few close friends over for a proper dinner party on Friday night, and it was fun to hang out in a more intimate setting after having been to so many big parties over the last couple weeks. I feel like the most fun nights for me are usually the ones with a smaller group — it really the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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