Monday, December 7, 2015

15 Amazing American-Made Gifts

DIY snowflake gift wrap topper
editor’s note: We’ve been talking a lot around the office lately about our increasing desire to consider where we’re spending our money and who it’s supporting. During this season of intense consumerism, we thought it would be a great opportunity to take a look at how we can spend our money for good, supporting the companies and issues we care about. Here to guide us today is Micha, co-founder of the MiA project. We asked her to share the inspiration behind her incredible online store, as well as the 15 American-made gifts on her list to give and receive this year. Take it away Micha! It’s easy to feel powerless amidst an epidemic. It’s easy to think there will never be another day when fast fashion and throwaway items aren’t the majority. But when I started The MiA (Made in America) Project, I wasn’t looking for easy. I was looking for a ...see the slideshow here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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