Thursday, December 10, 2015

4 Ways to Give Back This Holiday

Find a cause that's right for you and great tips for figuring out how to give back this year!
It goes without saying that the holidays are a magical time. And as wonderful as I find the twinkling lights and snow-dusted sidewalks, the most magical part of the season is the tradition of giving, both to those you love and to those in need. There seems to be an innate desire to do something good for others at this time of year — to open our hearts a little wider and make a difference for good in the world around us. Of course, it’s often easier said than done. Christmas is not only the merriest time of year, it’s also the busiest. Between the stress of shopping, cooking for holiday feasts, and fitting parties into the calendar, sometimes it feels like you blink and the season has come and gone. But I wonder what would happen if each of us took time to find just one way, big or small, to make a positive difference in the community the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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