Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Isabel Gillies

The Penobscot Bay, Maine
I’ve never been to Maine, but I know I’d love it there. Growing up, one of my close friends headed east each summer to spend 6 weeks rope swinging and eating fresh seafood with her family, and I couldn’t help but feel the steady onset of jealousy upon hearing the stories and seeing the photos when she’d return in August. Sure my family traveled, but being a summer-in-Maine family isn’t just traveling — it’s something you’re born into. No one is more familiar with that birthright than today’s Entertaining With subject. As an actress for many years (that’s Kathy Stabler for my fellow Law & Order SVU fanatics!) and a New York Times best selling author, there’s no question that Isabel Gillies is familiar with life in the Big Apple. But when you add summering-in-Maine to her bio, it becomes clear that this Manhattanite is about as New Yorker as you can get. In preparation for the last ...see the slideshow here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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