Thursday, September 24, 2015

Maple Affogatos + Amaretti Cookies

Happy First Day of Fall! Can you believe it’s already here? Autumn’s arrival definitely snuck up this year, leaving me feeling slightly sad for missed opportunities to spend lazy days by the pool and evenings barbecuing with friends, but also hopeful and excited for crisp mornings, tall leather boots, and the twinkly magic of the holidays that are just around the corner. While it may not feel like fall in many parts of the country (we’re expected to hit a whopping 97F here in Austin today) the calendar says it’s official, which is all the motivation I need to dust the cobwebs off of my collection of neglected cool-weather spices. In an effort to ease the transition from one season to the next, I’ve been craving recipes that highlight the best of both worlds. These affogatos are just that. They offer up the perfect contrast of cool, creamy ice cream the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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