Thursday, September 17, 2015

Is Technology Making You Crazy?

computer lounging
“This iPhone hasn’t been backed up in 13 weeks. Backups happen when this iPhone is plugged in, locked, and connected to Wi-Fi.” It’s a message I wake up to daily, the week count steadily climbing alongside my anxiety. Here’s the thing: in the last 13 weeks, my iPhone has all-at-once been plugged in, locked and connected to Wi-Fi. And I even pay for extra iCloud storage each month, so what gives? I haven’t done anything about the iCloud problem yet because it feels like just one of my many issues rooted in technology. I have a calendar that won’t show up on my phone, a gmail filter with a mind of its own, an Apple TV that cuts out mid-streaming, a brand new Macbook that won’t connect to my desktop monitor, and so on. And don’t even get me started on the “retired” devices that sit unused in my home, collecting dust, loaded the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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