Monday, July 30, 2018

Finally. A Guilt-Free Vietnamese Coffee Recipe

camille styles vietnamese coffee granita

We’ve officially entered the dog days of summer. The time of year when days are best spent lazily bobbing around in the pool, enjoying the occasional umbrella-garnished cocktail, but more importantly, hydrating like it’s your job. Being from Texas, it’s the time of year I start daydreaming about getting away — jet setting to a faraway and exotic locale where the sites, smells, tastes and hopefully the occasional breeze are enough to distract from any triple digit temperatures in the forecast. Unfortunately, there are no exotic getaways in view. Between weddings, weddings and more weddings, my vacation pot is dwindling (I have a feeling some of you can relate) so I’m firmly planted here in Austin for the foreseeable future. But you know what? It’s okay. Actually, it’s more than okay. Because a little cabin fever gives me time to focus on finding inspiration in the everyday, not to mention ...see the slideshow here

The post Finally. A Guilt-Free Vietnamese Coffee Recipe appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles

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