Sunday, February 12, 2017

Weekend Notes

heart-shaped valentine's pancakes

Good morning, friends! What are y’all up to this weekend? I got home from LA on Thursday night, so it’s been *heaven* to mostly stay home, hang with the fam, and soak up this unseasonably sunny weather we’re experiencing in Austin. So far, the weekend has consisted of a date night with some great friends, a foot injury after tripping on a rock (don’t worry I’m fine, but it did require a doctor’s visit and wearing a boot for the day), jumping in the swimming pool (yes in February!) drinking more than one glass of rosé, and finally watching Nocturnal Animals. Soooo intense, but I loved it and officially declare Tom Ford to be brilliant. Oh, and today I’ll be over at Hotel San Jose judging the annual Jo’s Chili Cook-Off, so hopefully I’ll see some of y’all there! Have a lovely rest of the weekend, and enjoy my favorite links the rest of the story here

The post Weekend Notes appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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