Monday, June 27, 2016

Are You On the List?

champagne in bed

We’re putting the finishing touches on the newsletter and it’s fun to look back on what an eventful June it’s been (and get excited about all that’s on the horizon in July!) Have you guys subscribed? It’s an occasional (promise) check-in with what’s going on behind-the-scenes around here, what I’m cooking, reading, listening to, and my favorite stories from the blog lately. Sign up here and be on the lookout for this month’s issue in your inbox tomorrow. And we’d love to hear what type of content you’d love to see more of in the newsletter; leave us a comment with your ideas! photo: kate zimmerman the rest of the story here

The post Are You On the List? appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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