Wednesday, February 3, 2016

DIY Mini Éclairs

these mini eclairs are seriously the cutest desserts ever

If you’ve ever traveled to France, you likely associate éclairs with the oblong pastries found preciously lined up behind glass cases in patisseries all over the country. Well, today’s versions are a little less pristine, but a lot more fun. Seriously, how can you look at these little guys and not say, “Aww”? They’re miniature versions of the classic French dessert, and also happen to double as the perfect vessel for delivering mouthfuls of your favorite berries, nuts and crunchy candies. *photography by Molly Winters When making our éclairs, we wanted the focus to be on garnishing the cute little guys and less so on perfecting our baking skills. So instead of making our own, we simply ordered a dozen mini éclairs from our local bakery, filled with custard but without icing on top. We made our own batch of icing by following these instructions (and adding quite a bit of powdered sugar to the mix as the rest of the story here

The post DIY Mini Éclairs appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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