Friday, October 30, 2015

Giveaway: What Do You Run For?

Outdoor Running in Austin // Camille Styles
Confession: I used to think that the only real reason to do cardio was to look good in a swimsuit. And since my 20-year-old body pretty much maintained itself (*sigh*… those were the days!), I didn’t work out super regularly because — why? Then a few things happened in my life that changed my perspective. First, I got my first “grown-up” job post-college and discovered that running was a great way to focus my mind and relieve stress after work. Then when I was 24, I was in a really bad car accident that left me in a neck brace and unable to exercise for 4 months, and for the first time ever I discovered that having the ability to exercise and push my body physically is actually a great privilege… one I haven’t taken for granted since. Music is a huge part of my workout routine — the combination of great beats, my feet the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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