Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The 3 Mantras I Turn To

The 3 Mantras I Live By
I’ve met a lot of really cool, successful and interesting people, especially while on this journey and I always have the same question for them: what inspires you? More times than not, it’s either a person (family member, group of people) or a mantra they think about often to keep them going. Me personally? I’m more of a mantra girl. I may think about someone during a workout that inspires me to push a bit more, but for the most part, and especially on solo bike rides, I spend a lot of time in my own head. While I’m generally an optimist and see the good in most situations, here are my top 3 mantras that can truly get me through anything… 1. Live Kindly Of course I had to throw my own one into the mix. It’s my favorite. It means so many different things wrapped up into two the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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