Friday, July 31, 2015

10 Life-Changing Apps

10 Life-Changing Apps for Women | Camille Styles
The millennial lady deals with a unique set of modern day problems (how will she have time to hit the grocery store, send out an updated client brief, book her next vacation and make the 5:30 vinyasa class all before dinnertime?) The good news is — to quote Apple’s 2009 iPhone commerical — there’s an app for that. In fact, there are hundreds of apps geared towards female consumers. And in the endless sea that is the app store, it’s easy to get lost treading water. Our entire team got together to talk about which apps are making our lives easier, which ones just plain don’t work, and the ones that have absolutely changed our lives for the better. Scroll through our list of game-changing apps and get ready to start downloading! featured image by the sartorialist   ...see the slideshow here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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