Sunday, July 26, 2015

Weekend Notes

Summer Garden Dinner Party
I have to admit that I’d been feeling a little “off” this week — just kind of down-in-the-dumps for no other reason than possibly hormones and tiredness. Yesterday I decided that I refused to waste a gorgeous summer Saturday by being in a bad mood, so I put my to-do list on hold and spent the day splashing around in the pool with Phoebe and Adam, cuddling with Henry… and then we all went out for frozen margaritas and tacos! It’s amazing how spending some time in the sunshine with the people I love can cure almost anything. Do you guys have a happy place where you know you can go for an instant mood-lift? I’d love to hear in the comments — maybe I’ll give yours a try next time I need to break out of a funk! Hope you’re all having a fun weekend, and enjoy my favorite reads from around the web lately! the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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