Thursday, July 30, 2015

Plum & Blueberry Hand Pies with Lavender Crust

Plum-Blueberry Hand Pie Recipe
We’re at the point in the year where, down here in Texas, things really start to heat up. The sun is scorching hot, you can most definitely fry an egg on the sidewalk (or maybe even an entire chicken…not that I’ve tried), and nobody dares to venture outside without a liberal coating of sunscreen and a big floppy hat. It’s summer in all of  it’s bright, sticky glory, and I absolutely love it. (I’ll take 102F over 22F any day of the week!) Fun in the sun aside, summer means the arrival of one very delicious season for bakers and foodies alike — I’m talking about summer fruit. We wait all year long for the market to flood with fresh berries, stone fruit, melons and more, and when they finally arrive, we celebrate! Do you have a favorite? Lately, I’ve found myself on a huge plum kick. This year’s harvest the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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