Thursday, July 16, 2015

Banana Split Shortcake

Banana Split Shortcake Recipe
One of my favorite memories from growing up was when my mom would surprise us on a random weeknight with the announcement: “Banana splits for dinner!” She’d set out bowls with bananas and vanilla ice cream, then all the accompaniments: homemade hot fudge, whipped cream, fresh berries, toasted pecans, strawberry sauce, and of course, cherries for the top. Hey, they may not have been the most nutritious of dinners (she made up for it on other nights), but they certainly created some great memories. When dreaming up a dessert to serve after a dinner party recently, I thought it would be fun to make another one of my summery favorites – shortcakes – and let guests pile them high with a riff on my mom’s build-your-own banana splits. It turned out to be one of my better dessert ideas, as you can probably tell by the mouthwatering photos… I mean, the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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