Friday, July 17, 2015

Are You a Cryer?

Are you a cryer?
I’m Chanel, and I’m a crybaby. I know what you’re thinking – I haven’t heard that word used since elementary school – but there’s no other way to describe it. I’m moved to tears over the news, movies, songs, commercials, on my yoga mat, at graduations, weddings, births, deaths, you name it… I’m the girl sniffling obnoxiously in your ear and hysterically wiping mascara off her cheeks. Sounds like no big deal, right? In fact, it’s often comical… inconvenient at worst. But when crying is your body’s default response to just about any less-than-pleasant or emotional situation — the way it is for me — it kind of becomes a problem. It’s not just how I react to feeling sad, but when I’m flustered, angry or embarrassed, rather than turning red or raising my voice, I turn into a mumbling, sputtering mess (not the best way to make a point or stand up for yourself). And once the flood gates open, there’s no closing them. the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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