Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Makes Someone’s Valentine’s Day With A Treat That Isn’t Sweet

savory valentine's hand pies

Mackenzie Anne Smith is a woman after my own heart. What makes us kindred spirits, you ask? It’s simple: our shared belief that everything tastes better with a carby starchy doughy element. While I’ve perfected the art of eating things-stuffed-in-pastry (or, pocket foods as today’s guest would say) Mackenzie has mastered the art of actually making them on her blog, The World in a Pocket. She joins us today with a delicious recipe that’s perfect for Valentine’s Day. From Mackenzie: My friend, Lauren, and I have an ongoing series we call “Put that in your Pocket”, where we talk about how we root through our leftovers and put them into pockets. Dumplings, hand pies, wraps –– you name it, we will stuff the contents of our fridge into a pocket and celebrate the process. A quick survey of the bits and bobs from the past week and into the dough they go! Instead of cooking ...see the slideshow here

The post Makes Someone’s Valentine’s Day With A Treat That Isn’t Sweet appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles

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