Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Do These 4 Things to Get Your Book Club Back on Track

What to do when your book club has gone off the rails.

Why am I assuming that your book club is, in fact, off track? Because it is. Has been for a while. Let’s face it — you haven’t met in months (and you spent most of the last meeting talking about Oscar screeners.) As millennial women, we’re consistently drawn to the idea of the bookclub without fail. This will be great! I’ll read more challenging material! We’ll talk about real ideas! Yet almost everyone I know is a disgruntled or AWOL member of a literary group that has gone completely off the rails. As a member of a newly hatched book club myself (we’re still talking over names, but “The Most Exclusive Book Club in Austin” is a working title.) I thought it might be a good idea to do a little research on how to keep our club on track before our first meeting (which has been postponed indefinitely, btw. Not ...see the slideshow here

The post Do These 4 Things to Get Your Book Club Back on Track appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles

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