Friday, July 15, 2016

How Super Fit People Make Their Workouts More Fun

How Super Fit People Make Their Workouts More Fun

I go through phases where I really, truly look forward to working out and wake up everyday feeling in the zone and ready to go  — and then suddenly, without warning, I’ll hit a plateau where I dread lacing up my sneaks and hitting the pavement. I think almost everyone has ups and downs with how they feel about fitness, but in my experience, the only way to really be consistent with working out over the long haul is to figure out how to tap into the sense of fun that makes you excited to do it! In an effort to shake up my current routine and make exercise feel like a treat instead of another chore to get through, I polled my fittest friends around the country for their secrets to making their workout feel like the most fun part of the day. I couldn’t believe how good some of their responses are, but then again, there’s a reason why ...see the slideshow here

The post How Super Fit People Make Their Workouts More Fun appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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