Sunday, August 2, 2015

Weekend Notes

strawberry layer cake
Can’t believe that August is here! This has been one of those weekends that makes me wish summer would last forever. Patio brunching with friends, swimming for hours, grilling dinner at dusk with a glass of rosé in hand… It’s definitely my favorite time of year. Although I have to admit that I did spend a teeny bit of time checking out some of the new fall collections and bookmarking a few items on my wishlist. Have you been bitten by the fall shopping bug yet? It always happens so early for me! Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend, and enjoy my favorite reads from around the web this week! xo How to host a pop-up dinner party. Take this personality test for a ‘freakishly accurate’ description of who you are (My results said that I’m “The Consul.“) Also, this test to determine your “spending personality” might be an eye-opener. Today’s the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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