Monday, August 24, 2015

Farro, Tomato & Herb Salad with Roasted Lemons

Farro, Tomato, & Herb Salad
It’s Monday! And if you’re like me, that means clean eating to make up for the sins of the weekend (rosé, fries, and an inordinate amount of caramel corn… check.) Let’s start by talking about these roasted lemons. They’re a new thing for me, and I currently want to put them in everything (i.e., last night I threw a few into a roasted cauliflower and caper topping for grilled pizzas. Divine.) The technique of boiling the lemons for a couple minutes before roasting them eliminates their natural bitterness, creating the perfect mix of chewy, tart and sweet. And speaking of eating the same thing over and over lately… anyone else out there on a major tomato and cucumber bender? I think I’m starting to panic about summer winding down, because I’ve been hoarding tomatoes at the grocery and eating them with practically every meal. (breakfast included — tomato and spinach frittata, tomato-topped avocado the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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