Sunday, August 23, 2015

Weekend Notes

Hey guys! What are y’all up to this weekend? After a really busy workweek for both Adam and me, it’s been nice to just chill the last couple of days. We got last-minute childcare for an impromptu date night on Friday (bliss!), and the rest of the weekend has been lounging in the pool with friends, grilling pizza, working in the yard, and watching Phoebe practice on her new bike. Also — can y’all believe that Henry is already 3 months old? At the risk of sounding like that mom, he is really just the sweetest baby ever, constantly smiling and laughing, and so go-with-the-flow. A real social butterfly. We’re taking my in-laws to brunch this morning with the whole fam to celebrate their 46th wedding anniversary. Amazing to think about being married that many years, and they are truly one of the coolest couples I know. Hope that y’all have a lovely Sunday, and the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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