Friday, August 28, 2015

Do You Suffer from Sentimental Clutter?

Do You Suffer from Sentimental Clutter? | Camille Styles
It’s 2 am and I’m sitting on my bed staring at a crumpled piece of paper that reads “Welcome to Idea City”. It’s the front page of a welcome packet from one of my first real jobs — as a studio designer at the advertising agency GSD&M. I’m 8 hours into tackling the contents of an over-stuffed filing cabinet and I’ve unearthed yet another relic that leaves me paralyzed: I know I don’t need this. But I simply can’t throw it away! If this situation sounds ridiculous to you, then congratulations. You’re a rational human being. But if you relate to this dilemma on any level, you may be plagued by the beast known as “Sentimental Clutter”. My particular condition is most definitely genetic, having been raised by a family who believes in keeping EVERYTHING. We had a two car garage full of dance recital costumes, car parts, and clothes the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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