Sunday, June 21, 2015

Weekend Notes

flowers & market bag
Hey y’all, happy weekend! Hope you’re having a good one so far. We’re brunching and hanging with our dads to celebrate Father’s Day. I feel incredibly lucky to have a dad who is always there for me and loves me no matter what; someone who I can count on to be there whenever I need him (and even though I’ve been an official “adult” for years, I still need my dad a lot!) It’s also a day when I take a step back and am so thankful to be married to a guy who is the most dedicated father to our kids (still feels weird to say “kids” in the plural!)… there’s really nothing sexier. On another note, did you guys notice that we’ve moved our On My Nightstand column to my Instagram feed? I’ve been reading a lot lately, and it’s turned out to be a really fun way to swap book ideas the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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