Thursday, June 25, 2015

Are You Afraid of Aging?

Are You Afriad of Aging? | Camille Styles
When I was in my early twenties, I was already gripped with fear over aging. My religious application of anti-wrinkle cream every night definitely got some laughs at the sorority house. But when I looked to the movies, music, and pop culture surrounding me at the time the message was clear: the world belongs to the young. Thirty stood lurking in front of me like some sort of dark deadline. I had to get EVERYTHING done by then — make a name for myself in a creative career, find and marry the right guy, put down roots in the right town. And whenever things weren’t going well in any area, I’d lean on the comforting thought, “Well, at least I’m still in my twenties.” I achieved some of my goals, but on nowhere near the time frame I had set out for myself. By the time the big 3-0 rolled the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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