Friday, June 19, 2015

Should You Be Strength Training?

Should you be strength training?
There are a few things in life I know so well that I could easily navigate with my eyes closed: the Whole Foods rosé section, my childhood neighborhood, Neiman Marcus’ makeup department, and the 3-mile loop around Lady Bird Lake. And then there are those things that immediately elicit my famous “uh, what?” face (as evidenced here, here and here): haunted houses, maps (I’m directionally challenged), and up until three months ago, the weight room at the gym. While I’m usually pretty fearless when it comes to navigating unchartered and new-to-me territories, I’ll admit it — I have a shy side and enjoy a familiar face to show me the ropes. A few months ago, I hit that plateau so many people talk about. No matter how much time I spent on my bike or how many spin classes I did, I couldn’t push past a specific threshold. Hill climbs were the rest of the story here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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