Sunday, January 17, 2016

Weekend Notes

acai bowl in mason jar

How do I love thee, Sundays? Let me count the ways… waking up without my alarm, time for cooking experiments and kids’ craft projects, motivation to tackle an organizational project. And then there’s brunch. I love days like this for their sheer unhurriedness — I think that such careful scheduling of my time during the week makes me crave one day of total freedom. What are all of you up to today? I’d love to hear how your New Year’s resolutions are coming along (or not), if you have anything exciting on the agenda for this week, and as always — enjoy my favorite links from around the web this week! xo Really into açai bowls for breakfast right now (like the gorgeous ones above.) Some really helpful tips on finally sticking to our healthy eating goals. It’s official: I’m organizing my jewelry this weekend! Such a fun video that makes me excited the rest of the story here

The post Weekend Notes appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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