Thursday, January 14, 2016

Into the Pale: Is Faux Tanning Over for Good?

To spray or not to spray? That is the question.

At some point over the last decade I did a one-eighty regarding my perspective on  faux tanning… I can’t pinpoint the exact moment the shift occurred, but maybe it was when I picked up a copy of How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are. Or possibly when my remote made a most unfortunate stumble onto the reality series Sunset Tan. Or maybe it was the vision of a porcelain Michelle Dockery oozing sophistication and glamour on PBS’s Downton Abbey. In any case, by the early 2010’s I felt strongly that spray tanning needed to be reclassified: it now belonged alongside barrel curls, over-whitened teeth, and french manicures. All beauty treatments best left in the aughts, or at the very least with contestants on the Bachelor. I was excited and inspired by Celia Ellenberg’s story in Vogue last spring titled “The Rise of the Real Girl”, and I enthusiastically embraced the stop-trying-so-hard the rest of the story here

The post Into the Pale: Is Faux Tanning Over for Good? appeared first on Camille Styles.

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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