Wednesday, January 6, 2016

How to Stay Organized at Life

See inside Camille's iCal... wow!
I’ve got to admit that I hesitated to even write this post. The last thing I wanted was to sound like someone who’s always got it all together, because there are definitely days when I feel as frazzled and pulled in a million directions as every other gal living in these busy times of ours. But after months of prodding from friends and readers, I decided it might be fun (and possibly helpful?) to share the organizational tricks I lean on to help me stay sane and prioritize all the different parts of my life that are important to me. Because when we’re talking about a schedule that includes some combination of work, kids, relationships, working out, creative endeavors, hobbies, and possibly all of the above — organization is the name of the game. I haven’t always been super organized, but over the years I’ve cultivated certain habits, keeping the ones that work for me and throwing out ...see the slideshow here

from Camille Styles | Camille Styles

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